Club News

September 2024 Enjoying MG

The July Club night at the Barns was a treat for the SMGEC foodies with 39 members having 3 main courses and 4 sweets to choose from and they wonder why they are finding their MG`s a tighter fit!

July at long last brought us some summer sun and we made good use of it with our programme of events. The first was a new event for us, the Apley Classic Motor Day, when 11 cars and crews made their way on the 14th to the show. The cars were well laid out by make, age and type.  Despite that our Club stand gained a visitor in the shape of a glorious red Jaguar E Type trying to pass itself off as an MG!

Coffee and cake was on the menu with 35 members attending our ever popular TTCM on the 18th. The venue was Café Prego near Shenstone where we enjoyed our drinks al fresco.

I seem to do nothing but write about food, yes, another Drive and Dine night for 30 members this time at the Greyhound Inn at Burston. Keith and Gill Johnson who organize these evenings for us should publish a guide to the best pub food in the Midlands as everyone is a gastronomic success.

To burn off the calories we had a good run out to visit Gawesworth Hall in East Cheshire. A fine turnout of 21 cars met up at Brykley Garden Centre before setting off on a challenging 56 mile run across the Peak District planned by Tony and Jan Clarke with Phil and Cathy Wellstead.

Parked up in a stunning location we enjoyed a picnic and after a talk from owner Rupert toured the Elizabethan hall and gardens. Cream teas and ice creams made a perfect end to a great day out.


This entry was posted on 25/09/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

August 2024 Enjoying MG

At the end of May 29 members visited the Midlands Air Ambulance new purpose built headquarters at Cosford. We had an extensive guided tour of the facility including the helicopters and emergency response vehicles. A talk on the complexity of the treatments that the paramedics and doctors can perform on scene surprised us all. We made a donation of £190. An excellent lunch at the Oakley at Brewood completed the day.

June`s Club night at the Barns was well attended by 44 members. The after diner entertainment was an indoor curling contest organized by Paul Titley visiting us from his day job in Dorset. The range of skill shown was to say the least, wide. Chairman Roger Dudley topped the score sheet winning the prize of 3 bottles of Dorset Ale, courtesy of Paul.

One of the most important runs of our year is the charity run held to raise funds for The Dougie Mac Hospice. Organizers Roger and Sue Dudley took us to Little Morton Hall in Cheshire, a historical wooden framed black and white manor house which we last visited in 2011. 18 crews set out from Wolsey Bridge to drive a splendid scenic route over the Staffordshire Moorlands to arrive in time for a picnic lunch before exploring the Hall and grounds. Teas and ice creams rounded out the day before the run home. A total of £330.00 was raised for the Hospice which we have supported for many years.

The June TTCM visited a new venue for us, the Mere Park Garden Centre near Newport. This was certainly popular with the girls as racks of clothes had to be walked through before reaching the restaurant. A return visit for the autumn sales is surely on the cards!

To end the month a small group visited the Marchington Village   Festival arranged by Peter and Sue Willmot.

This entry was posted on 29/07/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

July 2024 Enjoying MG

The guest speaker at our well attended May Barns Club Night was Club member John Newey, who owns Summit Garage the MG Agents at Dudley who also sponsor of our web site. A lifelong MG enthusiast he gave us an entertaing talk about his time in the motor trade and cars he has owned which includes an MG SV. He ended by telling us about the latest developments of electric cars, most interesting. Me, I`ll stick to petrol.

We were pleased to welcome new members Mark and Sharon Green who have joined the Club having just bought an MGB GT.

Highlight of the month was the long awaited 3 night Norfolk Getaway, organized by Bob and Irene Stone with 18 cars and 35 members taking part. Starting from a meeting point at Hints we enjoyed the 130 mile drive in brilliant sunshine to our base, The Heacham Hotel near Hunstanton. Settled in we enjoyed the first of three fine evening meals. Monday saw us take to the water with a boat trip to from Morston Quay to see the seals at Blakeney point who seemed singularly bored to see us! A locked Crooklock but no key resulted in some leg pulling for one member! From boat to rail, a return trip on the steam train from Holt to Sherringham was the main event for Tuesday. Plenty of smoke and steam and nostalgia. The slightly damp weather didn’t deter us from enjoying lunch and ice creams by the seaside. Several members visited Sandringham and other NT venues before our return journey on Wednesday. A splendid trip, enjoyed by all.

The TTCM at Brykley was attended by 23 for a leisurely coffee and chat. With many more outings planned all we need is the summer to finally start! Happy MG Motoring.

This entry was posted on 27/06/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

June 2024 Enjoying MG

April began with our Club night at the Barns when we were joined by former members Harry and Lesley Cheadle who have been living in Spain. From old members to new we welcomed Mike and Tracy Roberts who bring a 1960 MGA coupe to the fleet. Meal over we enjoyed a good natter to finish the evening

With our member’s love of food being well known, what better place to enjoy lunch than at the famous Wedgwood Pottery at Barlaston.  Keith and Chris Timmins organized a mid-week run on the 10th April to the works for us. After meeting up at Aston Marina 39 members drove a scenic, if somewhat damp, 28 mile run to the Pottery. After lunching off Wedgewood plates we joined a guided factory tour to discover how these beautiful items are made. With hand painted gold plates costing over £2000 each the clumsy amongst us kept hands firmly in our pockets! Incidentally, for your pampered pooch, Wedgewood dog bowls are a snip at only £200.

The ever popular third Thursday coffee morning returned to one of our earliest venues, the Farm Shop at Denstone where 21 members enjoyed a relaxing coffee and chat with some stopping on for lunch.

National Drive it Day was on the 21st April and SMGEC took to the road with a visit to the Yew Tree Farm shopping village at Wootten Wawen. After meeting up at Middleton we left on a 40 mile Tulip run made all the better by the sunny weather, a rare treat of late, being warm enough to encourage  some crews to put the hoods down. After an alfresco lunch we toured the shops and Ray Harris was delighted to find a vintage leather flying helmet for when he gets his MG TC back on the road.  


This entry was posted on 31/05/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

May 2024 Enjoying MG

Club life in March started as usual with Club Night at the Barns on the 7th where we welcomed new members Steve and Carole Allen to the Club, they have a newly acquired restored MGB GT. A good turnout of 44 members enjoyed a fascinating after dinner speech by our guest speaker, Rodney Paul, on the life and the Antarctic expeditions of the explorer Ernest Shackleton. What a story! With temperatures of minus 40 degrees making our recent weather a heat wave!

Keith and Chris Timmis organized our own version of TV`s Bargain Hunt with a visit to the Dagfields Craft and Antique Centre on the 17th.  After coffee at Dobbies, 14 cars set off on a rolling 46 mile run to arrive in time for lunch. No surprise there then. The afternoon was spent mooching around the stalls for that undiscovered treasure to make a fortune at auction but sadly without success. Highlight of the day for my wife was the Teddy Bear Shop with bears of every colour and size looking for owners. One in particular caught her eye but he wouldn’t fit in the car!   

The March 3rd Thursday Coffee morning was held at a new venue, the Ranch Bistro at Cannock Chase Trekking Centre, one I`m sure we will return to in the future. 28 members made the trip to enjoy a morning`s natter over coffee and tea cakes, sadly a trip to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth extracted meant we could not attend, ouch! In addition to our MG`s there was also plenty of horsepower of the four legged variety on show at the attached stables.

At the end of March the itinerary of our Norfolk trip in May was announced, with trains and boats and cars all being involved, can`t wait.

This entry was posted on 28/04/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

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