Club News

February 2025 Enjoying MG

With many of our MG`s tucked away for the winter December became the most social month of our year. Roger and Sue again laid on a fabulous Christmas Party for us with all the trimmings, party games and a monster raffle. A great turnout of 44 members attended. Chairman Roger again took centre stage with his party piece of enthusiastically conducting the members in our traditional rendition of the 12 days of Christmas. Splendid evening enjoyed by all.

A great turnout of 50 members met up at Brykley Garden Centre for the last coffee morning of the year on the 19th, our biggest attendance yet.  It shows just how these morning meets have become a very popular feature of Club life. Thanks must go to Brian and June Cooper who find the venues and organize them for us. I`m sure the informal relaxed atmosphere and the opportunity to circulate and chat is the reason they have become so successful and of course, taking out the MG for a drive is a bonus.

Whilst we had been enjoying ourselves the SMGEC planning team of Paul, Keith and Christine were hard at work putting together the 2025 programme, announced to the members at January Club night. As usual, they have come up with a full diary to cover every interest. Along with the monthly Club Nights and Coffee mornings we have tulip runs, car shows, charity runs, a 4 day tour of North Wales and even a walking tour of Lichfield City to look forward to. No need to panic, the SMGEC foodies are well looked after with Drive and Dine evenings and lunches planned throughout the year!

So now`s the time to go into the garage and spend some time getting your MG ready for the season. No excuses!



This entry was posted on 20/12/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

January 2025 Enjoying MG

A happy New Year to you all and do try to keep those resolutions for at least this week!

No MG motoring to report on but plenty of off road activities instead, starting with the November Club night at the Barns. A review of the highlights of 2024 was the main interest of the night with 44 members attending to enjoy the meal and cast their votes in the Annual Awards ceremony. The nicely polished trophies went to worthy winners and some not so deserving failures.

Driver of the year:  Mike Steventon, solo driver and navigator in one.

Co-driver of the year:  Irene Stone who shared it with her friend TomTom.

Newcomer’s award:  Colin and Sharon Wiltshire.

Breakdown award:  George Robathan, he should have gone to Specsavers!

Services to SMGEC: Allan and Karen Wild, the bacon rolls won it for them.

Special Breakdown award: Colin and Sharon Wiltshire. Far too long a story to tell here!

The Chairman`s award was a popular choice when he presented it to Peter Wallis, a founder member of the Club and past President, in recognition of his contribution over the years in running and supporting the Club.

Surprisingly no blow out pub meals to report on in October so the SMGEC foodies had to be satisfied with two well attended coffee mornings, organized as usual by Brian and June Cooper.  The first at the Red Carpet at Barton Marina which was combined with visit to the Cinema to watch Gladiator 2.

The second at a popular venue of the Club, the Strawberry Cabin at Hints, with 30 plus members enjoying a morning `s natter over coffee and cakes and looking forward to our December Christmas Party to round the year off in style.

Let`s make 2025 another great MG motoring year.


This entry was posted on 30/11/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

December 2024 Enjoying MG

Our Four Counties Tour in late September organized by Gary and Jane Simmons proved very popular with the 12 crews taking part. Starting at the Strawberry Cabin in Warwickshire, day one was spent at the Foxton Locks Canal Museum in Leicestershire before driving on to our Hotel for 2 nights, the Hoppin Hare at Duston in Northamptonshire, an excellent choice. Sunday was spent at the historic Bletchley Park code breakers museum in Buckinghamshire before returning to the Hotel for a second night. The run home on Monday included a visit to Hatton Country World.  Despite the horrendous wet weather all agreed it was a splendid away trip.

October Club night at the Barns was a meal and a natter evening attended by 44 members.

Enjoying some more MG miles before the winter layup we visited the Bosworth Battle Field site. Organized by John and Jeni Beasley along with Roger and Sue Dudley, 14 crews met up at Barton Marina then set off on a 30 mile run to Bosworth. Despite encountering some scary huge tractors on the narrow roads we all arrived safely.  After a coffee break we had a “Walk and Talk” tour with an excellent guide who painted a vivid picture of the Battle. Most stayed for lunch before the run home.

The October TTCM was at the Aston Marina near Stone, as usual this welcoming venue and the opportunity for more MG motoring made it a popular morning out with 37 members attending.

The Twilight Run is our last trip of the season, this year it was a 35 mile on country lanes in brilliant sunshine to arrive at the National Memorial Arboretum. Planned by John and Shirley Northwood we enjoyed an excellent lunch followed by a tour around this most thought provoking site.

This entry was posted on 31/10/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

November 2024 Enjoying MG

At September`s Barnes Club night we welcomed new members Michael and Lesley Brown and Ian and Diana Websdale to the Club, both have MGB`s, a tourer and a GT. For entertainment (?) Renton Ward set us his annual picture quiz, tackled with varying degrees of success, Trevor and Anissa Saadi taking the honours this time. Renton also announced that we will be returning, by popular request, to the Tal y Lyn Hotel in Wales, in June 2025 following our successful visit in 2023. The 20 places where immediately snapped up. Great news. 

On the 8th John and Carol Wooley with Roy and Jane Hunt organized a visit to the pretty town of Castleton in Derbyshire. Meeting up at Ashbourne, 15 crews set off on a 40 mile route and boy-o-boy did it rain! Wet weather gear and brollies were the order of the day. Undeterred we set off into the village to enjoy the local teashops and Pubs. The sun broke through for the run home which included a drive up Whynot pass. All agreed that we should re run the trip next year hopefully with better weather.

For the SMGEC foodies The Drive and Dine evening was held at the Meynall Ingram Arms at Hoar Cross on the 10th. Organized as usual by Keith and Gill Johnson 23 members enjoyed the evening.  Cake and coffee was on offer at the TTCM at the Halfpenny Green Winery.

Our last car show of the year was at Trentham on the 15th, where we had 11 cars on our stand. Heavy rain meant that the Club`s gazebos provided welcome shelter, but a supply of homemade cakes and the good company ensured an enjoyable if damp day.

The month ended with our Four Counties Tour, a full report in next month`s issue.

This entry was posted on 25/09/2024 by Jeff Darlow.

October 2024 Enjoying MG

SMGEC packed a lot of activities into August, starting as usual with Club night at the Barns when a good turnout of 43 members attended. The after diner entertainment was a hilarious round of Play Your Cards Right, compered by quiz master Allan Wild. Great fun especially when Allan demolished the complete set half way through the game. Mysteriously the advertised star prize of an MG Cyberstar was changed at the last minute to a bottle of plonk. New members Johnathan and Gina Eagles must have wondered what sort of Club they had joined!

Four legs not four wheels featured with a visit on the 3rd to the Macclesfield Sheep Dog trials organized by Keith and Chris Timmis. Starting from Fairways Garden Centre near Ashbourne 16 members set out on a 30 mile run through Derbyshire which took them to the event at Sutton Hall in Cheshire.  Attractions included craft stalls, a tug of war contest and fell run as well as the trials. It appears the result was a win for the sheep by 4 rounds to one.

Amazingly only one mention of food this month when 30 members enjoyed coffee and cake at the TTCM at Marsh Farm, Abbots Bromley. Surely only a lull, expect a return to normal next month!

To end the month another change from 4 legs to two rails was the visit on the 18th to the Statfold Barn Railway near Tamworth, Staffs. 21 cars assembled at Wolsey Bridge before setting out on a 35 mile run planned by Allan and Karen Wild to the narrow gauge railway museum. Our cars parked in a line in front of the station made a fine display. A picnic lunch then rides on the two steam trains running and a tour of the museum ended a splendid day out.

This entry was posted on 25/09/2024 by Jeff Darlow.
